Civilization Series
Playing or replaying Sid Meier’s Civilization series of games? Altered Gamer offers game strategy tips and guides for all the games, with significant coverage of the latest in the series, Civilization 5.

Civilization 5: The Comprehensive Guide
A comprehensive guide to Civilization 5, including gameplay hints and tips, add-on content reviews, and much more.

Civilization V: Scenario Pack Korea Downloadable Content
Civilization V is a departure from the franchise. A great many things have changed and one of those is how the game’s expansions are being released. Much smaller downloadable content packs makes buying a single pack inexpensive, but also gives you far less content keeping the value about the same.

Civilization V DLC Review: Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack
One of the great ideas in the Civilization series are the wonders of the world. Yet, only some of the real 7 Wonders of the Ancient World appeared in Civilization V. The Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack adds those three missing wonders as well as a scenario built around those wonders.

Civilization 5 No Steam Patch - It's My Game, Let Me Play It! Finding and Using a No Steam Crack for Civ V
Some Civilization V fans were surprised to find that the Steam DRM (digital rights management) system was required when installing the game upon its release in 2010. This has lead people to search out “no Steam” cracks for Civ V in order to circumvent the enforced DRM, as we explain…

Civilization 5 Map Making Tutorial
While the Civilization V game engine will create random maps for you each time you plau, you can use the WorldBuilder tool in the SDK to create custom maps that you can use for scenarios and mutiplayer games.

Civ 5 Cheats - How to Get an Unfair Advantage in Civilization 5
Why would you want to cheat at one of the greatest games ever, a piece of entertainment software that has has many thousands of development hours put into it? Probably because the AI keeps beating you…

Fixing Civilization V Errors and Crashes
As with any major game Civilization V has bugs. These bugs can come in a variety of types, but the most common are generally easy to fix. Even some of the more exotic problems can often be fixed in similar ways to those that are more common. So check out a few solutions to fix Civilization V.

The Most Downloaded Civilization V Mods For PC
Civilization V features many changes from the previous title, including improved diplomacy, new tile-system and improved combat. Should you wish to tailor the game to your liking read Brighthub’s guide on the most popular game modifications.

Create Custom Levels with the Civilization V SDK Map Editor
Using the Civilization V SDK WorldBuilder application, you can create your own maps and scenarios with a handy level editor tool.

Guide to Civilization 5 City Management
There is more to Civilization 5 city management than just building random projects - you need to have a strategy!