The Sega Dreamcast wasn’t just a brilliant console - it was brilliant at pretending to be other consoles as well. Bright Hub guides you to the best emulators that run on Sega Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast homebrew scene has thrown up many gems for Sega’s classic console. In this article, Bright Hub looks at some of the best free point-and-click adventures, shooters and fighting games for the Dreamcast.
Enhance your Sega Dreamcast games library with free homebrew titles. Follow our guide showing you how to burn playable Dreamcast games using Discjuggler and Nero.
The Sega Dreamcast lives on with a thriving homebrew gaming scene. In this article, Bright Hub shows you where to find some of the best free games for the classic console and how to burn Dreamcast games to playable discs for your own system.
Gaming on the NES game console takes you back to an earlier time when it wasn’t all about how good the graphics were or how loud the sound was. The RetroMini-X brings back nostalgia even as it makes playing NES games a portable experience.
Fans of the Sega Genesis game console used to be stuck in front of the TV. But not if they have have the Sega Genesis Retrogen Handheld Game console, they aren’t. Pop a Sega Genesis cartridge into the slot and play the 16-bit game in full color on the portable LCD screen. Hurray for retro!
In the late 80s and early 90s, just like today, the holidays were the prime time to get the hottest new game. Thanks to the Virtual Console, we can still enjoy these classics. Here is a run down of some of the Nintendo Entertainment System’s best titles released during the holiday season.
Remember those great Sega Genesis games? Want to play them again without having to sit down at a computer or TV? So pull out some batteries and power up the retro-bit. It’s like having a Game Gear again, but with the graphics and quality of the Sega Genesis built into a hand held.